Monday 13 February 2012

Rivet The Robot - Part 1 - The Beginning

It was the first day of half term today so i did the only thing i could do...i started making a robot on the kitchen table. To be honest i haven't really got a kitchen table but that's a detail you don't need to know..although you know it now....anyway, the robot mate Andrew the Robot Man Amos wanted a robot so i said I'd make one. Its not a real metal one that moves like Robocop and all that but a cardboard box kind of model one with papier mache ( is that how you spell that?) and glue and bits of sticky tape, y'know the kind of robot you make at school when you're 7 and its indoor play cos its raining outside.
The robot is going to be called Rivet and the plan is to make him/her this week ( i think its a him, i think a girl robots wouldn't be called Rivet, she'd be Rivetta) and when i do I'll take a photo and put it on here and the next thing i'll do then is, well that's obvious, the next thing I'll do is build an army of robots and take over the entire world...then I'll be able to get a REAL kitchen table....

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