Wednesday 7 September 2011

Can Bald People Get Dandruff?

The two new books are called Poetry Is Not Pants and Poetry Burp!! It will be great to get them out. I wrote the poems for them a while ago now and i have already been reading some out in schools. They seem to go well. When these book are all done and out there in the real world then i will have a cuppa tea, and start writing some more poems and stuff innit!!

I have always got a million ideas like a book called Rumblebelly all about a town called Rumblebelly and you could have a poem called Rumblebelly Road and one about the footy team called Rumblebelly Rovers, then you could write about the school, Rumblebelly Primary and all that. What do you reckon??? OR.. a poetry book full of funny questions that you answer in the form of a poem like it could be called Do Bald People Get Dandruff? and that poem could go.....

Do bald people get dandruff
cos i don't think its fair
if you can get dandruff
if you ain't got no hair

or sommat like that!!!!!!!

other Qs could be..If a fly is called a fly cos it flies then why isn't a fish called a swim?
Why is abbreviation such a long word? Why is it called washing up and not washing down? Why does fat chance mean the same as slim chance???? questions questions questions....

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