Friday, 28 January 2011

Nose Like A Strawberry

I have just done 2 days in Overdale Primary school in Kirkby Liverpool. It was great fun and a really friendly school, with good dinners (Thank you the dinner ladies!) and groovy people. BUT.....i had a massive spot on my nose that made me look like an evil clown who has just escaped from a circus!! I was reading my poems out in front of everyone and i could tell that they were looking at my nose and not listening. They were sat there thinking, Is that one of those joke noses that you can buy, you know that kind that come off when you take your glasses off!! One lad asked why my nose looked like a strawberry.
Nice simile!! Poetry term!!!
No idea why my nose turned into a strawberry but it did. Could have been worse i suppose, coulda been a cabbage or a melon or somefink!! Its got a bit better now but blimey, it was unreal!! I'm too old for spots but maybe i just have very young skin!!!!!!! Strawberry Nose, thats me.

Friday, 21 January 2011

Radio Magic

I was on the radio today, on the Alex belfield show. We were talking about Man Flu. And heres the thing.. i am on the radio quite a lot, and you talk about anything. I mean, what do i know about man flu? Its kind of weird being on the radio but i love it. You are in this little room, talking into a microphone, just waffling on about this and that, and you kind of forget that there are thousands of people listening to you. People out there in radio land, people doing normal people stuff like the washing up, drinking tea and reading the papers. And you are talking to them. Your voice is on the radio waves, the invisible radio waves that somehow get you to speak to people in their own front room. Magic innit!!

Thursday, 13 January 2011

The Poems That Wrote Themselves Part 2

Picnic In The Rain

Remember that picnic we had in he rain
in that big park just down the lane
when the wind went wild like a hurricane
and your crisps got washed down the drain
and the cake got wet but we didn't complain?

Remember we were there with Ben and Wayne
and Jack and Rose and her mate Jane
who wrapped her butties in cellophane
then went and left them on the train
oh, she's such a scatterbrain

Remember we pretended to drink champagne
like we were flying somewhere on a plane
maybe to a sunny beach in Spain
and the raindrops dripped and drove us insane
in that big park just down the lane

Do you remember that picnic we had in the rain?

The Poems That Wrote Themselves Part 1

These two poems kind of wrote themselves. Really!! I just sat there looking at a piece of paper and before i knew it, SHAZZAM!!!!!!, there they were right in front of me. I love when that happens. Its like being plugged into a big poetry machine somewhere. I think the trick to writing poems is not to try too hard.

Cool Blue Bike

I'd really like
a cool blue bike
but if it was red
I'd ride that instead
if it was white
that would be alright
if it was black
I'd call it Jack
if it was green
I'd call it Maureen
if it was yella
I'd call it Cinderella
if it was brown
I'd ride it round the town
if it was gold
I'd do what i was told
if it was grey
I'd be OK
if it was pink
i don't know what I'd think
cos what I'd really like
is a cool blue bike

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Jupiter and Pianos and Magic

What i really want to do is to learn more about the stars and magic and the piano. I know a little bit about stargazing, i know a little bit about magic and i know a little bit about the playing the piano but life isn't about little bits is it?? Its about doing the whole thing brothers and sisters!! Do you want a little bit of ice cream? NO Do you want a little bit of pizza? NO WAY!!!! So I'm going to learn more about all those things. I just hope i don't get them all mixed up and start piano gazing and playing the stars. Actually playing the stars sounds kinda alright to me!!! 3,2,1 we have lift off!!!

Its January and if you look out of your window facing south you can see Jupiter. Its a big bright light and its a planet and its amazing!! If you look North you can see a piano in the sky and then some guy doing magic tricks...amazing!!!

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Am I The Nutter On The Bus?

Last year i did 87 blogs. i like doing them even though i have no idea who, if anyone reads them. I do get the odd comment when i go into schools, like someone says, hey dude, i read this or that on your blog and it was good. So i keep doing them. Its all a bit weird really. I mean i sit here in my imagination station and type what ever it is that pops up in my head and put it out there in blogland. I could be writing a poem or doing a handstand or even practising my silly walks but no. I'll keep doing this blog for another year and see what happens. If nobody is reading its a bit like talking to yourself like a nutter on the bus or something. Maybe that's what i am, that weird nutter on the bus who mumbles to himself and starts laughing for no reason. If any one is out there reading this then send me a comment. DO IT NOW!!!! I don't want to end up on a bus on my own, having a convo with myself.

Two Thousand And Eleven

The future is here now!!
When i was a kid i thought that by the year 2011 we would all be wearing silver space suits and flying around on hover boards. I thought that we would eat pills that taste of fish and chips for dinner and all of us would have time machines. I thought that the aliens and us would be best mates and that we would go on holidays to Mars and places like that.
But no.
No hover boards or silver space suits or any of that stuff. Still its good though innit? Two Thousand And Eleven. Amazing or what??? Its the future and its cool. Hope everyone has a cool year, even if you don't have a time machine!