Today was a super duper Mini-Cooper type of day. I was in Goldborough Primary school up in North Yorkshire, near Knaresborough. I'm doing lots of schools for North Yorkshire Libraries at the moment. It was a beautiful sunny day ( i felt like singing...y'know what?? i think i will...the sun has got its hat on, hip hip hip hurray, the sun has got its hat on and its coming out today!!! there, thats better!!!) and the school was great. It was in a lovely place, next to a cricket pitch in a old vilage in the country. The school only had 74 pupils and they were all great to meet and to talk to. The sun shone all day, i had a lot of fun and even got a free dinner ( meatballs and rice). Thanks to everyone in school, especially Sally who made toast and asked me in the first place!! Summer really feels like its on its way now. YIPPEEE. Time to blow up the beachball, find my shorts and get the silly shirts out of the wardrobe!